Best Practice

9. Frame Rate Issue

Frame Rate Issue

The most common mistake is editing source clips with different frame rates in one edit. Adding a source clip which doesn’t match the edit’s frame rate will result in stuttering playback

25 fps edit with 24 fps source

25 fps edit with 24 fps source clip. To keep the original source clip duration, frames are repeated every second, see frames 25 and 49 are doubled, resulting in stutter


24 fps edit with 25 fps source

24 fps edit with 25 fps source clip. To keep the original source clip duration, frames are dropped every second, see frames 25 and 49 are missing, resulting in stutter



24 fps edit
with 25 fps footage

Stuttering playback on the rock and camera pan

Fixing Frame Rate Issue

2 options to fix frame rate issues

Frame Blending
or Changing Interpretation of frame rate

Frame Blending

Using Frame Blending to fix frame rate issue is the quick-and-dirty solution. 2 Frames are blended into each other, making the playback smoother but less sharp

Blended Frames

25 fps edit
with 24 fps frame-blended footage

Frames 1 and 24 are sharp, the rest are blended into each other

Smoother with Frame Blending

24 fps edit
with 25 fps frame-blended footage

Smoother playback but blended frames are noticeable in fast motion

Changing Interpretation

That’s the far better solution as every frame is an original sharp frame

Changing the frame rate interpretation will change a clip’s duration. In case audio is involved, ideally, request a corrected version from composer, or refer to chapter Audio Speed in Premiere

Below edit timeline is 25fps
The original footage is 24fps
The same footage with 25fps interpretation is shorter as it runs faster


Sharper with Interpretation

24 fps edit
with 25 fps footage interpreted as 24fps

Smooth playback and frames are clean and sharp